Step 3. Install the MobileConnect Manager

The MobileConnect Manager is a dockerized application which you need to install on a Linux server, accessible in your network. It runs on Linux x86-64 (amd64), Ubuntu 20.04.x, the steps provided below are for this Ubuntu version.

A. Select your hardware or virtual machine

Minimum hardware requirements

  • CPU with 4 cores

  • Regular (not boost) clock speed on all cores at least 2.4 GHz

  • 8 GB of RAM

  • 200 GB of hard drive space

Recommended hardware requirements

  • CPU with 8 cores

  • Regular (not boost) clock speed on all cores at least 3.0 GHz

  • 16 GB of RAM (or more)

  • 500 GB of hard drive space

Minimum virtual machine requirements

  • Docker support required

  • Regular (not boost) clock speed on all cores at least 2.4 GHz

  • 8 GB of RAM

  • SSD storage with 3200 IOPS / 48MBps

Virtual machine recommendations

  • It is recommended to use bridged network interfaces

  • Check your firewall settings, configure if necessary

B. Install Ubuntu 20.04.x

You can choose between Ubuntu 20.04.x, Desktop or Server version, in 64-bit architecture.


You can find the Ubuntu images here:

The kernel version for Ubuntu 20.04 must be at least 5.4.0-33. You can check it with the command:

uname -r

If the kernel version is lower, you need to update it with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

C. Configure the hostname

Configure the hostname of the Ubuntu server to any of your choice (for example “mc-manager”).

Make sure it matches your DNS configuration (see Step 1).

D. Install docker and docker-compose

The Manager supports docker version 19 or higher and docker-compose version 1.22 or higher. The installation steps below are for Ubuntu 20.04.x. First, uninstall old versions with the commands below. They will remove existing packages or show a warning if such packages cannot be located. You can ignore the warning.

sudo apt remove docker containerd runc
sudo snap remove docker docker-compose runc

Install the desired docker and docker-compose versions with:

sudo apt install docker-compose

You might be asked to restart services during the installation, select “Yes”.


Do not install using snap.

Next, create a docker group. If a warning is shown that the group already exists, you can ignore it.

sudo groupadd docker

Add your user to the docker group and reboot.

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo reboot


For more information on managing docker as a non-root user, see here:

Enable the docker service to start at boot.

sudo systemctl enable docker


For more information about installing docker and docker-compose, see here:

E. Obtain the MobileConnect Manager installation package

First you need to create a MobileConnect account as described in Create an account.

Then register and obtain your Manager following the steps in Register a Manager.

F. Install the MobileConnect Manager

Create an installation directory with a name/path of your choice. We recommend installing as a normal user in your home directory.

mkdir /home/$USER/mcmanager

Copy the MobileConnect Manager installation package which you obtained in the previous step to the installation directory.

cp /home/$USER/mcmanager

Enter the directory.

cd /home/$USER/mcmanager

Extract the archive.

sudo apt install unzip

Set your database password as local environment variable.


The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain characters from three of the following four sets: Uppercase letters, Lowercase letters, Base 10 Digits and Symbols. If you use special symbols, make sure the password is enclosed with single quotes.

export SA_PASSWORD='MyPass123'

An environment variable is set, run all docker-compose commands in the same terminal.


Make sure you keep the password. You will need to export it for every call to docker-compose you do (for example when starting or shutting down the Manager or when upgrading the MobileConnect Manager in the future).

Install and run the MobileConnect Manager with:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Wait for 3 to 5 minutes until the initialization of the MobileConnect Manager is completed. Open a browser and navigate to the URL you configured for your MobileConnect Manager, e.g.

  • The MobileConnect Manager web interface is using a self-signed certificate, you need to accept it to access. You can install your own certificate, for more information see Installing a Custom SSL Certificate.


Currently the Manager supports the Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Login with the credentials you used when registering your account (see Create account).

The MobileConnect Manager is now ready to use. You can proceed with connecting your MobileConnect Stations.