MobileConnect API and 3rd Party plugins

It is common in the AV sector for products to connect to 3rd party integrations. These can be media control systems which are already installed on the venue and give the opportunity to control a room’s lights, window blinds and also audio & video devices in an automated way. A possible challenge in daily use of a MobileConnect system is to distribute the channel access information, e.g. the QR code or PIN code. The solution is to connect MobileConnect to the existing media system and thus to the digital displays that are typically present in larger rooms.

We introduced the MobileConnect API which enables MobileConnect to be connected to 3rd party media control systems. Based on the API, Sennheiser provides dedicated 3rd party plugins. They implement the MobileConnect API and help you to reduce the integration effort. You can use the plugins as they are or customize the plugin code to fit your needs.

You currently have 3 options, supported in both Manager and Standalone Modes:

  1. Crestron module

  2. Extron driver

  3. Your media control system is not supported? Make your own implementation using the API

Alternatively, you can contact us at as we may have a beta version of your preferred system.

3rd Party Plugins

To download the MobileConnect 3rd party plugins:

To use the plugins you need to configure 3 parameters:

  1. API token

  1. The End Point URL depending on the system mode

  • Manager Mode: configure the URL or IP address of your Manager.

  • Standalone Mode: configure the IP address of the Station you want to connect to.

  1. API version - find the API version of your Manager/Station here

Each plugin comes with a detailed Readme containing all supported functions and required configuration.

MobileConnect API

The MobileConnect API is a REST API. It is encrypted and requires the usage of an authorization token.

The full API specifications are provided in current MobileConnect API v2.0. Below you can find a list of API functions and in which MobileConnect versions they are supported.


MobileConnect API version

Available from Manager version

Available from Standalone version

Get a list of all MobileConnect Stations connected to the Manager

1.0 / 2.0

Manager v1.3.0

Station firmware v6.7.0

Get the connection state of a specific MobileConnect Station

1.0 / 2.0

Get a list of all available channels of a specific MobileConnect Station

1.0 / 2.0

Get the channel connection QR code of a specific MobileConnect Station channel

1.0 / 2.0

Regenerate the channel details QR code (Replaced by the following function)


Regenerate the channel access details (QR code and ID)


Manager v1.4.0

Get the channel configuration


Change the channel configuration


Get the PIN Code


Enable/disable or change the PIN Code


To see older versions of the API documentation visit: MobileConnect API v1.0


In case you have feedback or requests for the MobileConnect API, contact us at

Topics related to the API: