Troubleshooting the API

If you encounter an error while using the API, here are some ideas to help solving the issue:


Possible solution

Status code 301

This is a redirect from http to https, that means you need to switch from http to https (the correct url is also returned in the response).

Status code 400

This means that something in the url does not comply with the description of our API, e.g.
https://{your manager url/ip address here}/public/api/v13/stations
instead of
https://{your manager url/ip address here}/public/api/v1.0/stations
or a wrong parameter type (string instead of int).

Please check closely if your call completely follows the description of the API.

Failed to connect, no route to host

The Manager URL or IP address is incorrect or not accessible on port 443.

QR Code regeneration failed

This could be due to the use of a wrong HTTP method (GET instead of POST). Please check the examples and make sure your call is using the correct method.

QR Code regeneration failed

Please make sure that the token you’re using has the necessary scope (Write Channel Access). If you’re missing the scope, your response will return the http status 403.

Status code 404

Please check if the method your are trying to call is supported by your Manager version. You can find which API version is available for your Manager version here.